Thursday, September 10, 2009

Boys Will Be Boys....It's A Shame They Can't Be MEN!

If you're an American, regardless of which party you support, last night was an important night for our Country. In fact, if you are a human it was an important night. The basic human right of getting care when you are sick was on the agenda, and there was an attempt by our collective President to refresh the dialogue. Not President Of The Democrats, but President Of The United States Of America. He had the misfortune of living in an age when reason has been replaced by tantrums. Enlightenment has been replaced by "get that spotlight over here on ME ME ME!" Anyone who reads this blog knows I had serious issues with GW Bush, but if I had met the man I still would have respected the Office Of The Presidency and the man , and it would have been "Yes Sir" and "No Sir" and "Thank You Sir" any time I spoke. What America and the World witnessed last night was proof that not only is our health care system broken, but the United States government is teetering on the brink of becoming gladiator sport. It's all about photo ops. It's all about representing, but gangsta-style, not representing WE THE PEOPLE any more. It's all about being louder than your adversary. You know what it is getting to be? Pro Wrestling. If it weren't for Secret Service protection, you could almost envision one of the dissenters coming off the top rope, with a folding chair right across the President's back. Whenever we see a new low for our elected representatives, trust me it's a new low for all of us. Every man, woman and child. All of us should be incensed at the lack of civility afforded the highest office our Country owns, period. Sure we have free speech. That's not the point. The USA has been a shining beacon to other countries for over 230 years, and for literally centuries we have tried to lead the World by example. The New Example we are setting is embarrassing, before ourselves and the World we live in.

Free speech technically allows you to walk up to someone on a crowded street, that you don't find particularly attractive, and yell out "You are SO UGLY! HEY EVERYBODY, get a load of this - have you ever seen anyone so incredibly UGLY?" Page forward: What if the object of such derision was, say, a 5 year old girl? "Man, you are the UGLIEST LITTLE GIRL I'VE EVER SEEN! Hey everybody, take a gander at this horrible looking kid, WOW!" There you have it. Freedom of Speech 101, right? We can say anything we want to say, any time we want to say it, because we are US Citizens and our Constitution says we can. If you were in the crowd witnessing that sort of "freedom" just ask yourself - would it make you proud to be an American, or would you be appalled beyond belief? That freedom on the edge of the dark side is exactly what we witnessed last night, broadcast "live" around the World. Our elected leadership, on both sides of the aisle, should be held accountable for actions that mis-represent the electorate. Don't you expect better? Don't you think the Founders of our Constitution expected better, then and for all time moving forward? I will tell you I voted for Mr. Obama, but had voted as a registered Republican my entire life including GW Bush his first term. So I'm not playing favorites here - if any President Of The United States were shown the disrespect Prez O (and YOU The People) were shown last night, I would be equally upset. Personally, I love this Land and the freedoms we all hold dear. I'm just calling on each person out there, who sees their misbehaving, tantrum-throwing Congressional representation humiliating them, to hold your lawmakers and delegates accountable for bad behavior. We're no longer talking about Free Speech 101. We're talking Parenting 101. If boys continue to be boys, the only solution is for the citizens to vote Men (or Women) into office to replace them. Our system is adversarial, and was established that way from the beginning, but with basic civil rights and civilities and respect. Grow up, boys. Or go to your room without supper.

Normally I try to include some funnies with my blog, or some travel tips, but this morning I'm feeling a little more subdued, because I take being an American very seriously. Hopefully the readers of my blog do as well. If not, you go on about your day....go on now. Shoo.

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