Thursday, September 4, 2008

War and Peace

First, it was a classic Tolstoy novel. Grand and powerful. Later, Hollywood re-created various incarnations of the story, trying to achieve the same magic cinematically that the book had produced originally. By coincidence, war and peace are also 2 of the keys to the 2008 Presidential campaign. As an even further coincidence, I was able to read the original novel cover-to-cover in less time than it took to show the John McCain lead-in video at RepCon tonight. Whoah. When the video started I was 46 years old, and by the end I had become a tired 57. I think I need a shave and a haircut. But that's show biz, Republican style.

OOOPS! Apparently security was a bit lax at RepCon, as numerous protesters made their way inside during the big speech, trying to disrupt the McCain Moment. That was unexpected, sort of. I suppose these protesters are exhibiting their "rights", but sometimes just because you have a right, you can still be wrong. The 3 seconds of bogus camera time you selfishly pigged for yourselves had a total impact of SQUAT, except to your like-minded cronies and fellow self-servants. Let the man have his say. Any reader of this blog knows I disagree with most of McCain's politics, but you don't see me doing some inane jerky-dance to get on TV while he talks. Plus, Mr. and Ms. Protester, you're missing the's not that you're dishonoring Mr. McCain. No, you're dishonoring hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of undecided voters who have tuned in to try to make an educated decision with their ballot. Find another way to have a voice, instead of blasting your mug across national television for a few meaningless seconds. Here's a new concept--if you disagree so vehemently, go try to do positive work for the opposition, instead of aiming for personal, meaningless face time. You're all blow and no substance, and whatever you were trying to achieve, you failed.

So the Good Senator is back speaking now, and overall it's surprisingly passive and lackluster. Quite stark by contrast to Sarah Palin last night, who at least had spark and energy, even if equally short on substance. Nothing resembling that tonight. This is a course on Reading A Teleprompter 101, and the speech itself is less engaging than your average Pastor on Sunday morning, or possibly even your local Weatherman. But I'm not just typing here....I'm taking breaks to watch and listening intently, whether out of respect or a spirit of fairness. At this point, though, he's about 40 minutes in, and I've heard no specifics. None. All rhetoric. For those who couldn't watch, here's a capsule summary:

"I'll cut taxes, my opponent will raise them." (booooooo, in unison)
"I'll create jobs, my opponent will lose them." (booooooo, in unison)
"I'll strengthen America, my opponent won't" (booooooo, in unison)
"I'm a nice man. My opponent is not nice." (boooooooo, in unison)
"I like Wheaties. My opponent hates Wheaties." (tape recording of booooos, in unison)

The bone-dry litany rolls on and on, ad infinitum, seeming more droll with each progression. Well, I tried, but he's beating me with a 30 ton wet noodle. Brave and noble he may be, but dynamic the man is not.


Today was the opening of the NFL season, and just watching a single game (though not a particularly well-played one) still gets the juices flowing. Yeah, Baby! The first real sign of Fall, and not a moment too soon.

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